Leather Club Key Fobs



The graphic for these key fobs was created by Evan WRTB892 and voted on by the GMRS club as the official club logo. These key fobs are high quality 8 oz. (1/8 inch thick) natural vegetable tanned leather, and are laser engraved on my custom built machine. They are then cleaned and oiled, edged, and fitted with the rivet and key ring. The oiling process gives the leather softness and makes it water repellent. Staining is also possible, but the darker the stain, the harder it is to read or see the lettering and graphic.

                                  Oiled Only                                            Oiled and treated with NeatsFoot Compound

As you can see above, NeatsFoot darkens the leather, but it offers more protection and for a longer period of time. Either process can be used and does not affect the pricing.


I do not have a store front, but you can pick up your order or I can send it via USPS. The quickest way if you are on the north side of the city or plan to be in the area of the Village, is pickup. Email me at [email protected] to place an order.

I will need you GMRS CallSign, and Repeater channel (19 for Okc and 20 for Tulsa), but any channel can be requested. I will need to know the method of delivery and your address if it will be mailed. Payment can be made via PayPal, cash (if being picked up), or check (if anyone remembers those). I will provide all instructions for payment, address, etc in a reply email.

Remember that I donate $2.50 per teardrop style sold, back to the GMRS club, and $1.50 for each smaller rectangular version (not pictured yet). I will try to run off a batch of rectangular fobs before the weekend and revise this page.


The teardrop style pictured above sells for $12.50 each, and the smaller rectangular style sells for $7.50 each (not shown yet).